Thursday, April 30, 2015


Happy 16th Anniversary

 16        Reasons I am Grateful You were “Willing” to get Married:

I am grateful that our love continues to grow.

I am grateful that you have a testimony of Jesus Christ, you honor your priesthood, and you lead our family in righteousness.

I am grateful that you genuinely care for me and my feelings.

I am grateful that you help me with the laundry.

I am grateful that you teach me about being a better disciple of Christ while we study scriptures together.

I am grateful that you keep me laughing—even if it means that we are laughing at the long running list you have in your phone of the funny things I say and do. Along with that list, you are always able to lighten any mood, and allow us all to see the brighter, lighter things to life.
I am grateful that you coach our daughter’s soccer team.

I am grateful that you love going to the temple.

I am grateful that when I feel something is important, you do your best to understand why something is so important to me—you truly hear me and listen to me.

I am grateful that you’re my best friend and that if I could choose anyone to spend time with—I’d choose you.

I am grateful that you can give me a priesthood blessing when I am struggling or sick.

I am grateful that you allow me to be quirky, and instead of being bugged, you help me in my quirkiness. For example, when it’s time to leave town, instead of being frustrated that I have to finish the laundry, vacuum the floor, or whatever it is—you hurry and help me accomplish what I feel I need to accomplish without me feeling bad that I really want to do those things.

I am grateful that you don’t get upset with me when I lose money, which I seem to do a lot…

I am grateful that when I am hurting and upset, you listen to me, and you love me. You don’t try to change my feelings, nor do you try to fix my problems. You allow me to mend in my way while staying by my side strengthening me. You have been a rock for me while I have struggled with Brandon’s passing. Thank you.

I am grateful that you believe in me, and that you are my biggest cheerleader!

I am grateful that you love our children with all your heart!

We were babies back then...

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