Sunday, February 22, 2015

Daily Reflections~Day 4

Today I was able to teach a lesson on the miracles of Jesus Christ. I related those miracles to our own lives' now, how we are given miracles on a daily basis, and how we need to recognize God's hands in our lives. After the lesson, I received a text from someone explaining that the lesson was exactly what they needed in their life at the moment. They thanked me for the lesson, and the inspiration that went into preparing the lesson. Ironically, the lesson was on recognizing God's hands, and this text message illustrated that very point. The Lord is aware of each of us individually. He knows what we need, and He sends messages to build and uplift. I am grateful that I was able to be a messenger today. I am humbled at the opportunity. I pray that I can live my life worthy of more opportunities.

NT Lesson #7
Hand out:
  1. “It is a fundamental truth that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed.”—Elder Richard G. Scott, "Personal Strength through the Atonement of Jesus Christ."
  2. “The miracle of the Atonement can make up for imperfections in our performance.”—Bishop Gary E. Stevenson, "Your Four Minutes."
  3. Brigham Young said: “Miracles, or these extraordinary manifestations of the power of God, are not for the unbeliever; they are to console the Saints, and to strengthen and confirm the faith of those who love, fear, and serve God” (Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe [1941], 341).
  4. “More than gratitude bgegan to grow in my heart. Testimony grew. I became ever more certain that our Heavnly Father hears and answers prayers. I felt more gratitude for the softening and refining that come because of the Atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ. And I grew more confident tha the Holy Ghost can breing all things to our rememberance—even things we did not notice or pay attention to when they happened” (Henry B. Eyring, O Remember, Remember,  in Conference 2007).
Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us?
Did God send a message that was just for me in my life?

Begin with Object Lesson: Set out several items, and give class members time to look over the items. Do not let them write down any of the items, and then later during the class when you talk about Elder Eyring's "Remember Remember talk", ask them to recall the items.
Today, we are going to talk about the Savior’s miracles.
Which of all the Savior's miracles would you most like to have witnessed for yourself?
Imagine the experience of watching him walk toward you on the tempestuous waters of the Sea of Galilee, or seeing him standing on the deck of a storm-tossed ship commanding, "Peace, be still!" What would it have been like to eat the bread and fish so miraculously provided to the thousands of hungry followers, or to watch the man with palsy lowered through the roof of the house for a healing?
As Jesus traveled throughout Galilee teaching the gospel, he performed many miracles, including healing the sick and casting out devils (Mark 1:34, 39) Why do you think the Savior performed miracles? (write on board)

We are going to talk about three reasons he performed miracles: (have these on board, and refer to them throughout the lesson)

-To Build and Confirm Faith
-To Teach Spiritual Truths


 Mark 1:40-44 (leper)

According to verse 41, what was the reason Jesus healed the Leper?

Matt 20:30-34 (two blind men)

What does verse 34 give for the reason Jesus healed the blind men?
Point out that Jesus performed many miracles that directly blessed just one person.
What do these incidents demonstrate about how Jesus feels about us individually?
How has he shown love and compassion for us in our day?
How can we show more compassion?


 Watch Bible Videos for each of the following stories:

Mark 2:2-5 (Man with Palsy)

Whose faith contributed to the healing of the man who was sick with palsy?
(See Mark 2:3, 5.) How did these people demonstrate their faith? (See Mark 2:1–4.)
How can we exercise faith in behalf of others? How has the faith of others helped you or someone you know?
Mark 2:5-11
What did some of the scribes think when Jesus told the man with palsy that his sins were forgiven? (See Mark 2:5–7.)
How did Jesus respond to these scribes? (See Mark 2:8–11.)

Point out that just as it was a miracle for the man to be healed of palsy, it was also a miracle for him to be forgiven of his sins. Emphasize that this miracle is available to each of us as we repent.
Mark 5:27, 28; 34-36 (Women touching Garment)

How did the woman with an issue of blood show her faith? (See Mark 5:25–29.)
What was the cause of her healing? (See Mark 5:34. Emphasize that it was her faith in Jesus’ power, not the act of touching his garment, that caused her to be healed.) 

Mark 5: 35, 36 (Jarius’ Daughter)

Display the picture of Jesus blessing Jairus’s daughter. 
How did Jairus show his faith in the Savior? (See Mark 5:22–23.)
What did Jesus say to strengthen Jairus’s faith when Jairus heard that his daughter was dead? (See Mark 5:36.)
How can we apply these words in your life?
Mark 4:35–41. Jesus calmed the sea.
What spiritual truths can we learn from this miracle? (He can bring us peace, to have faith rather than fear.) 
Mark 5:1–20. Jesus cast out a legion of devils.
What spiritual truths can we learn from this miracle? (He can cast Satan and his influence out of our lives.)
Luke 7:11–17. Jesus raised a young man from the dead.
What spiritual truths can we learn from this miracle? (Because of his Atonement, we will rise from the dead in the Resurrection.)
“It is a fundamental truth that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed.”—Elder Richard G. Scott, "Personal Strength through the Atonement of Jesus Christ."
“The miracle of the Atonement can make up for imperfections in our performance.”—Bishop Gary E. Stevenson, "Your Four Minutes."
Why do you think faith must precede miracles? (See Ether 12:12, 18Moroni 7:37; and the following quotation.) Why don’t miracles alone provide a firm foundation for faith?
Brigham Young said: “Miracles, or these extraordinary manifestations of the power of God, are not for the unbeliever; they are to console the Saints, and to strengthen and confirm the faith of those who love, fear, and serve God” (Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe [1941], 341).
How can we recognize the miracles that are happening? Elder Eyring

Watch Video Elder Eyring Video "O Remember Remember":

I love how Elder Eyring said, “More than gratitude began to grow in my heart. Testimony grew. I became ever more certain that our Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. I felt more gratitude for the softening and refining that come because of the Atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ. And I grew more confident than the Holy Ghost can bring all things to our remembrance—even things we did not notice or pay attention to when they happened” (O Remember, Remember; in Conference 2007).

Questions to remember:

Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us?
Did God send a message that was just for me in my life?
What kinds of miracles have you seen in your daily life?

Complete Object Lesson

 As we do as President Eyring suggests, we are able to remember the important things in life. Had you been able to write down what was here, you would have been able to recall the items. The same is true in life, when we record our experiences we are given the ability to remember them, and I believe that as we recognize the miracles in our lives, our testimonies will be strengthened just as Elder Eyring said, and as our testimonies are strengthened, we are strengthened to stay the course.

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