Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Kindness Matters!

Sometimes knowing what to say when someone else is grieving is a difficult task. I have felt the discomfort of others as they have tried to communicate their sorrow on my behalf. I remember when Eric died coming to the realization that although people meant well--they didn't always tactfully express their love. I think--to some degree--we (everyone) hope that through something we say, we can build a grieving soul. I have learned that it's not what people say, but it's what people do that make a difference. 

 I have a dear friend who has made it a point to check on me on a daily basis. She has spent several hours listening to my broken heart. She has heard me reminisce through many memories. Somehow she has been in tune with the spirit enough to know when I would need something more than a listening ear. In these moments, she would show up on my doorstep ready to take me to lunch. I remember one particularly hard day, I knelt by my bed and cried for a friend to show me God's love. Within the hour, this friend called me, and talked me through my morning chores. I am not even sure if we discussed my sadness that day, but I felt that she was an answer to that prayer and many more to come. My healing has been greatly increased by her loving kindness. I am humbled by her example. As I have watched her love unceasingly, I have desired to be more like her. When I have noticed others struggling, I have often thought about what my friend would do, and then I have done what she has demonstrated by her example. I hope to someday be as Christ-like as her.

Basking in other's Christ-like attributes has been a theme for my family. For Easter, we were visited by an unknown Easter Bunny. Treats were delivered along with messages of love and hope. The beautiful messages reached my children’s grieving hearts. This act of kindness touched my children and lifted them. We reminisced how in years past we have had the opportunity to be an “Easter Bunny” for a struggling family, or for a unsuspecting friend. We talked about how it felt to be the recipient. We talked about the love we felt. And we rejoiced in the kindness of others. I hope to see more with spiritual eyes, so I can show kindness the way this family showed our family. I hope to emulate the Christ-like love of lifting those who struggle.

President Eyring said that, "You can and must be an important part of His giving comfort to those who need comfort" (Eyring, The Comforter, April 2015 General Conference). This has happened for us, and we have been lifted. Through the love and generosity of others, I have gained a greater perspective of the importance of Christ-like service. I have learned from others examples just how to love like the Savior would have us to do. I have gleaned great spiritual strength and wisdom. Just like the people of Alma had their burdens lightened, we have felt a load lifted from our shoulders through the kindness of others. 

We have been blessed with meals, bags and boxes of sunshine, kind notes, concerned phone calls, a surprise Easter egg hunt, and many more thoughtful and kind expressions. My children are touched as people continue to carry us during this trial, and I think they have begun to understand what it means to "bear one another's burdens", "to mourn with those that mourn", and "to comfort those who stand in need of comfort". They have experienced firsthand what kind deeds can do for grieving hearts.

I am truly grateful for each and every expression of love we have received. Each one has taught me in my journey of becoming. I want to be the kind of person that emulates each and every person who reached out to me. I thank you. I am truly grateful.

Aunt Kathleen, We Love You!

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