Monday, November 10, 2014

The Friend


Amber loves The Friend magazine. She reads from it all of the time. In fact, this last spring she excitedly announced that she had read all of The Friend magazine's through the year I was born. And since that time, she has read all of The Friends that she can access through our electronic device. Every morning Amber's routine includes a chapter of scripture study along with a story from The Friend...or so we thought.

For Monday night's Family Home Evening, we had a discussion about the iron rod, and the importance of "holding to the rod". All of the kid's were blindfolded as they passed through different obstacles while holding to a homemade rod. When Amber got to the end of the rod towards the Tree of Life, I tempted her with everything that was in me (I was playing the role of Satan for our object lesson). Even I was surprised as I cried out in desperation--almost convincing myself that Amber should listen to me, and let go of the rod. After this experience, Amber admitted that my voice was so convincing--so much so that she wanted to let go of the rod, because she trusted me, and knew that I wouldn't lead her astray. We talked about how people we know and love can also believe differently than us, and if we do not have a testimony--we too, can be tempted. In our discussion, Bryan promised the kids that if they were having daily prayer and scripture study, Satan could have no control over them. He told them that we open the door to temptation when we allow ourselves to miss even one day of scripture study and prayer. He said that one day could be justified into two days, and pretty soon we could find ourselves struggling spiritually. During this discussion, I was sure Amber was feeling the spirit as she peered intently in my direction, so I asked her to share what she thinking. To my surprise, her beautiful brown eyes filled with tears, and she asked to speak with Bryan and I after the lesson. My mind reeled. What could Amber possibly need to discuss?

After the other two were tucked into bed, Amber began to cry as she admitted that sometimes rather than reading her scriptures in the morning, she reads two stories from The Friend. Amber's face was filled with absolute concern. I could see her desire to choose the right simply shining through her eyes. My heart melted. I was so grateful that this was Amber's concern, and I found myself repressing a smile. My heart filled with joy as I saw Amber as a true disciple of Christ. Her example to choose the right touched my heart, and I said a prayer of gratitude. Bryan and I quickly reassured her that we believed that The Friend was also the word of God. We told her that she had not sinned. We told her that she was a beautiful daughter of God, and that God was pleased with her desire to read both The Friend and her scriptures. We encouraged her to not allow The Friend to replace her scriptures study; however, we were pleased at her pure desires.

I never want to forget Amber's example of holding to the rod. I never want to forget her desire to choose the right. I never want to forget Amber's love for the Savior.

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