Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Pajamas and Pigtails

It is pajama day at school today (in honor of Red Ribbon Week). When Hailey woke up, she was building her courage to wear pajama pants. However, both her sister and I asked about her attire and she waffled. It wasn't my intent to cause her to question. I was simply wanting to know which pajamas she preferred. I really wish she would have worn them. I think it is a goal of every mother as well as a personal lifelong lesson to teach her children and herself that it doesn't matter what other people think. I hate that we sometimes base our actions on what we feel others may perceive. This is the exact reason Hailey didn't want to wear her pajama pants.

When I was in high school I had a friend who made fun of a girl because she was wearing pigtails in her hair. To spite him, I wore pigtails the next day. I remember feeling awkward, and worrying about what others were thinking; however, I wanted to prove a point that it really didn't matter what people thought. I remember him being shocked, and teasing me for trying to prove a point. I remember him saying, "Carrie, what are you doing? Why are you wearing pigtails? Stop trying to prove a point." However, the point was made--he knew it, and I knew it. We should act in a way that is right by ourselves and right by the Savior--nobody else matters. 

I know my children are aware of the opinion that counts. I know that they seek after His opinion above anything else. I am not worried about them in this respect. I do; however, feel that we need to fight the temptation to conform our actions to the crowd's opinion. We should act according to our own conscience. 

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