Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Keep Trying

These words from President Monson touched me today:

Keep Trying

“One of God’s greatest gifts,” President Monson said, “is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final.” Don’t let discouragement get the best of you when you fail at first (or second or third).
Keep going. Keep pushing. Keep trying.

Nobody’s perfect, but everybody can be better. Remember that “God cares a lot more about who we are and who we are becoming than about who we once were. He cares that we keep on trying.

I love the movie: Anne of Green Gables. I absolutely love the sincerity of Anne, and her desires to improve. Her sweet determination and her constant failures reminds me of me--I can totally relate. After what seemed like an epic failure, Anne says something that I repeat to myself on a daily basis. She says, "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it." I love this insight. I love the reminder that we can keep trying. We don't have to give up because "today" didn't go as planned. Nope--tomorrow is new, and it is our gift to try again. 

President Monson coupled with Anne of Green Gables gives me hope for my tomorrow's. So, for today--I will keep trying, and if I don't succeed right now, it's not over. I can keep trying. I have no doubt as I keep this perspective, my tomorrow's will be filled with more success than my today's.

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