Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Seeing the Good


Seeing the good in the everyday crazy moments is charity. There are moments when my heart is filled with frustration towards my children, because they are not listening, or because they are not working hard, or because they are choosing to be disobedient. As I pause and reflect on these moments, I wonder what would happen if I could pause for a minute--prior to my disciplining--to see the good in each situation. I wonder if I did allow myself this new perspective, if I could teach more effectively. When Jake wasn't working hard on his morning chores, I wonder if I had pointed to what he was doing right, and then reinforced what I needed to improve--I wonder if the confidence I would have offered for doing something good would have encouraged him to succeed in the area I was hoping to see improvement?

Can you imagine? I love the way you are doing..., and I like how you... and then, I could add: Would you be willing to work on (fill in the blank) for me? Seeing the "good" when "bad" is happening is definitely something that will take a bit of work. The natural man in me wants to resort to demanding for the situation to change rather than patiently working through our trials. The scriptures say that we must have long-suffering and patience--I don't think demanding correction falls into that category. No--I think "demanding" falls under the natural man, and the "I'm too lazy to take time to parent correctly". The scriptures also say that if we have faith, we can be healed from all afflictions. That means that through my faith, I can absolutely trust that God will help me improve. I have no doubt that the process of SEEING THE GOOD is a worthy goal in which God will be well pleased. I have a long way to go, but I am willing to put my trust in Him.

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